Skåneleden – Osby-Vittsjö 2023

18.-20. August 2023.

My daughter, Amalie and I impulsively took a weekend trip to Skåneleden for an extended weekend.

We took the train directly to Osby from Østerport Station, in Copenhagen. The trip took about 2 hours without changing trains along the way.

The Skåne trail “Coast to Coast” (SL1) runs through the town of Osby. It was therefore super easy to follow the path from the center and out of town. It didn’t take long before we were walking in the woods and fields. The route was generally fine. However, the route dictated that we had to walk about 1200 meters along a main road where the cars were driving fast. We camped close to the river, Helgeån northwest of the town of Hörlinge. It was a bit difficult to find down to the stream to find water. We found a previously used campsite close to the route.

On Saturday we camped at a lake called Skärsjön. Again, it was difficult to find down to the lake to get water. It turned out that we had pitched the tent close to an animal path. We therefore heard quite a few animals of varying sizes. Everything from what sounded like moose to wild boar. A bit exciting but it went well. When we moved on the next day, it turned out that there was a perfect campsite a few hundred meters further on, right down to Malmsjön. We’ll know that for another time. I was convinced that we could buy some supplies in the town of Verum, but unfortunately that was not the case. The ICA (Food Store) that was once there was closed a long time ago.

The last stage to the town of Vittsjö went, among other things, through the nature reserve at Vittsjön, which was a beautiful area. We bought coke and cakes in the ICA and played backgammon until the train left a few hours later.

All in all, a super nice weekend trip. The route was well marked and it was easy to find the way. However, there were far between good places to take water. We brought a BeFree from Katadyn for water purification. It picks up bacteria and particles, but not pesticides and viruses. Next time I will bring my Grayl filter which removes everything, including any aftertaste and strange colour.